Growth Strategy gains $5M in Funding for a Global Pharmaceutical Company

Data-informed growth strategy identifies vast revenue growth opportunities and secures funding.

Business Challenge

A global pharmaceutical company wanted to grow their eCommerce platform that offers direct sales to their customers. This initiative would enhance the overall online customer experience with the company, adding to the already established traditional sales channels. They were looking for opportunities to grow existing vaccine brand sales on their eCommerce platform via enhanced customer experiences and additional sales channels and tactics.


Further data strategy and research & optimization experts created a prioritized, data-informed roadmap to drive incremental eCommerce value, convincing stakeholders to fund identified growth opportunities.

  • Further generated a hypothesis library with more than 50 ideas to be evaluated. 
  • We prioritized those hypotheses based on level of executability and potential revenue impact, focusing on the highest-priority brands within the client’s portfolio, and we determined which hypotheses were worth a deeper dive.
  • Using multiple quantitative and predictive research methods, we forecasted the potential revenue of the suggested initiatives. 
  • This helped the client prioritize the hypotheses and prepare a business case compelling enough to receive additional funding to support these new initiatives.

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Business Impact

Our work enabled stakeholders to own the unknown. They could understand & prioritize opportunities for the next fiscal year to capitalize on opportunities. Likewise, the team was empowered to set their roadmap and gained funding to drive incremental value to the broader business.


Hypotheses evaluated



Potential growth identified



Funding received for projects

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